Common Preposition Combinations

In English, many nouns, verbs, and adjectives are commonly followed by
prepositions. If you are not sure whether to use a preposition with a particular
word or if you are not sure which preposition to use, look up the word in the

Often different prepositions used with the same word indicate
different senses of the word, e.g. concerned about (worried) vs. concerned in
(involved in or affected by), or different relations of the word to the noun phrase
after the preposition, e.g. angry at (a person) or angry about (something).

Words that don’t take prepositions:
consider, discuss, influence (active verb form), comprise (active verb form),
parallel (active verb form), emphasize (active verb form)

access                                                to
accompanied                                     by
accomplished                                    by
according                                          to
account                                             for
accustomed                                       to
accused                                             of
acquainted                                         with
adapt                                                 to
addicted                                            to
adjust                                                to
affected                                             by  
afraid                                                of
agree                                                 with
annoyed                                            about (subject) /with/at (person)
amazed                                              at/by  
analogous                                          to
angry                                                 at/with (someone) about/over(something)
anxious                                             about
appreciated                                       for
approve                                            of
ashamed                                            of
assist                                                 in
associated                                         with
astonished                                         at/by
attached                                            to
attempt                                             to
attribute                                            to
available                                            for/to
aware                                                of

bad                                                    at (doing something)/for (person)
based                                                 on
because                                             of
belong                                               to
benefit                                               from
beneficial                                           to
bias                                                   toward
boastful                                             for
bored                                                 with/by
brilliant                                             at
busy                                                  with
on behalf                                           of

capable                                              of
capacity                                            for
careful                                               with/about/of
certain                                               about
characteristic                                     of
clever                                                at
coherent                                            with
coincide                                             with
comment                                           on
commitment                                      to
communicate                                     with
compared                                          to/with
compatible                                        with
compensate                                       for
compiled                                           by
composed                                          of
concentrate                                        on
conflict                                              with
conform                                            to
connected                                          to
constrained                                       by
content                                              with
contribute                                          to
convert                                              to
cooperate                                          with (someone) on (something)
correspond                                        to/with
crazy                                                 about
crowded                                            with
curious                                              about
in conjunction                                   with
in contrast                                         to

deduce                                               from
delighted                                           at/about
depend                                              on/upon (someone) for (something)
derived                                              from
devoted                                             to
differ                                                 from
different                                            from
disagree                                             with (someone) about (something)
disappointed                                     in/with
dissatisfied                                        with
distinct                                              from
divide                                                into
due                                                    to

eager                                                 for
eligible                                               for
emphasis                                           on
enable                                                (someone) to
enthusiastic                                       about
envious                                             of
equal                                                 to
escape                                               from
excellent                                            in/at
excited                                               about
exclude                                              from
experienced                                       in
exposed                                             to
expressed                                          by

faithful                                              to
familiar                                             with
famous                                              for
fed up                                                with
free                                                    of/from
friendly                                             to/with
frightened                                          of/by
focus                                                 on
fond                                                  of
full                                                    of
furious                                              with (someone) about (something)
furnished                                           with

generous                                            with/about
gentle                                                with
good                                                  for/at
graduate                                            from
grateful                                              to
guilty                                                 of/about

happy                                               about
hopeful                                              of/about

identical                                            with/to
illustrated                                          by
incapable                                           of
indicated                                           by
inferior                                              to
influenced                                          by
immune                                             to
impact                                               on
implications                                      for
implicit                                              in
impose                                              on
impressed                                          with
inclined                                             to
inherent                                             in  
innocent                                            of
insist                                                 on (-ing verb)
isolated                                             from
interact                                              with
interested                                          in
introduce                                           (someone) to (someone)
invite                                                 (someone) to (event)  
involved in                                        (something), with (person)

jealous                                               of
justified                                             by

kind                                                   to
know                                                 about

late                                                    for
laugh                                                 at
lead                                                   to
limited                                               to/by
link                                                    to
listen                                                 to/for
look                                                   at/for
lucky                                                 at

made                                                 of
married                                             to
mediate                                             to (someone)
minister                                             for (purpose)
ministry                                            between

nervous                                             about
notorious                                          for

obtained                                            from
opposed                                            to
owing                                                to

Participate                                         in
patient                                               with
persist                                               in (--ing verb)
perspective                                        on  
pessimistic                                        about
pleased                                              with
polite                                                 to
popular                                             with
potential                                            for
prepared                                           for
presented                                          with
prior                                                  to (event or date)
protect                                               (something or someone) from
                                                          (something or someone)
proud                                                of
punished                                           for
puzzled                                              by/about

qualified                                            for
quote                                                 from

react                                                  to
ready                                                 for
recover                                              from
related                                               to
relevant                                             to
rely                                                    on
removed                                            from
respect                                              for
respond                                             to
responsible                                        for
restricted                                           to
rid                                                     of
role                                                    in

sad                                                    about
safe                                                   from
satisfied                                             with
scared                                                of
search                                                for
selected                                             from
sensitive                                            to
separate                                            from
serious                                              about
sick                                                   of
similar                                               to
shocked                                             at/by
skillful                                               at
slow                                                  at/to
sorry                                                 for/about
specified                                            by 
stem                                                  from
submit                                               to
subsequent                                        to
successful                                          in
suitable                                             for
sure                                                   of/about
superior                                            to
surprised                                           at /by
suspicious                                         of
sympathetic                                      with

terrible                                              at
terrified                                             of/by
tired                                                  of
thankful                                            to/for
thrilled                                              with
trace                                                  (something) to
transfer                                             from x to y
transformed                                      by
troubled                                            with
typical                                               of

unaware                                            of
understanding                                   of
unique                                               to
upset                                                 about
used                                                  to

valid                                                  for
vary                                                  from x to y
vision                                                of

wait                                                   for
wrong                                                with/about
worried                                             about


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